Mix up ESSENTIAL AMIN.O. ENERGYâ„¢ anytime you want a fruit flavored or coffeehouse inspired boost of energy and alertness. You can determine what's appropriate for any situation, adding a 2-scoop serving to water for an afternoon pick-me-up or increasing the amino acid matrix to 10 grams with a 4-scoop pre-workout energy supplement that delivers 200 mg of caffeine from green coffee and/or green tea extracts.
- Essential Amino Acid Delivery
- Muscle Recovery
- Energy and Focus
Use anytime for: Essential Amino Acid Delivery, Nitric Oxide Production, Muscle Recovery Acceleration, Improved Energy and Focus. Free Form Amino Acids for Rapid Uptake. Essential Amino Acids including BCAAs. Supports Recovery Before, During & After Exercise. Train Longer & Harder with beta-Alanine. Natural Energizers & Antioxidants. Supports Nitric Oxide Synthesis.
Mix two scoops of Essential Amino Energy in 10-12 oz of cold water. Recommended Use: For an amino acid boost: Consume one or more servings first thing in the morning and/or between meals. For pre-workout energy: take 1-3 servings 20-30 minutes before training. For post workout recovery: Take 1-2 servings immediately after training. Dial-Up Your Energy and Aminos: Scoop: 2, Energy Level: Mild, Amino Level: 5 grams; Scoop:4, Energy Level Moderate, Amino Level: 10 grams; Scoop: 6, Energy Level: Intense, Amino Level: 15 grams.
Tips: Essential Amino Energy contains 50 mg of caffeine per scoop, so do not consume after 5:00pm if you have difficulty sleeping. Essential Amino Energy also contains beta-alanine and may cause a temporary tingling sensation on your skin. This is normal. With continued use, the intensity of the sensation will decrease or disappear.